Sonntag, 8. Oktober 2017

„Seit ich auf deutsche Erde trat, Durchströmen mich Zaubersäfte - Der Riese hat wieder die Mutter berührt, Und es wuchsen ihm neu die Kräfte.“ (Heinrich Heine)

First, I made a long break... and I start now to write in English, but be patient with me, I have to derust it.

"Since I stepped on german ground, magic juices flow through me - The giant has touched the mother again, And the power grew again."
(Heinrich Heine, * 13. 12. 1797 - Düsseldorf, † 17. 02. 1856 - Paris)

A quote of Heinrich Heine. Its really something special within it. Its called "Germany, the land of denser and thinker." And maybe there is a kind of trueness. When I read this quotation of Heinrich Heine I felt like I have to restart writing in this blog. I started three blogs and only this has (still) constand visitors, from whole the world. So this made me restart writing and to do this in english. Sometimes I feel this magic juices in me, dont know if it belongs to german ground or not. Of course I'm sure people all over the world feel this magic juices in theirselfes. And I hope there will be more and more people, because the world need this people. Writing this makes me feel better and gives me new power. Maybe reading this gives new power to others. This would be great. From a other point of view, maybe germans have a big responsibility to help in the world, because we are lucky (still) to have a peaceful and luxury environment. Ok, we have civilisation problems and diseases, and much of them, but we have an easy chance to grow to wise people. That gives us the responsibility to share our luck with the people who grow up in war and injustice. How to do? Being a good person and not stop trying to get a better person is maybe a good way. Maybe writing here is a step on my way for this. Even struggeling with the civilisation problems every day (mostly on work).

What I would never say in real, but what I want to write here:

In Love

Michael Fuel